Flevo Campus Think Tank 2020

Registration for the 2020 edition of the Think Tank is closed. If you want to stay updated on our future programmes and events, let us know how we can contact you.
Why this Think Tank?
Flevo Campus has several reasons to organize this Thank Thank. If we want to feed the people in the future (of which 80% will live in cities in 2050) we need to come up with innovative ideas and new solutions – technical, social and ecological. The Flevo Campus Think Thank has as a goal to find those solutions.
How does the Think Tank contribute to these solutions?
We do that through bringing together a motivated group of students and young professionals, all involved in some part of the food chain. This group will follow an intensive interdisciplinary program where science meets practical experience and where clashing world views will be brought together. Combined with the knowledge of the participants this is a fertile soil for new solutions. The program starts off with a very broad immersion into the world of food. Through the more practical or ‘working days’ you and your group will come up with more specific results and concrete ‘prototypes’.
The program exists of lectures, visits, some homework excursions and workshops: you won’t be only listening, there will be some work done as well! The end result will be a concrete solution that might even be tested in real life.
Who is the Flevo Campus Think Tank for?
We are looking for 20 international students and young professionals who are interested, involved, or working in food and agriculture. Farmers or farmers to-be, entrepreneurs, chefs, students from one of the many disciplines that are linked to food (from architecture to biology, and from life sciences to animal husbandry). You are interested in urban food systems, agriculture, circularity or sustainability issues. And you are motivated to learn from experts, work on an actual case study, and share your expertise and network with the other participants.
What can you expect from this Think Tank?
- Learn from entrepreneurs, researchers, chefs, farmers, the Think Tank group, and other experts
- Visit real examples of solutions for urban food supply
- Build up or expand your network within Flevo Campus and beyond
- 19 like-minded fellow participants
- What: Flevo Campus Think Tank 2020
- Where: around Almere/Flevoland, Amsterdam and surroundings
- When:
Day 1 | kick-off: introduction in food transitions
Thursday 20 Feb
Day 2 | excursion – on tour in the food system
Thursday 12 March
Day 3 | Floriade Dialogues Summit
Thursday 26 March
Day 4 | work session
Friday 3 April
Day 5 | presentation during Flevo Campus MeetUp
Thursday 7 May
- Time investment: four program days + approx. 16 hours of group work to work out your concept + 1 presentation moment. On most program days, lunch and/or dinner is included.
- Language: English.
- For whom: international students and young professionals with an interest in urban food systems
- Participants: max. 20. In case of more than 20 registrations, participants are selected based on group diversity.
- Costs: participation in the Flevo Campus Think Tank represents an amount of € 2,000 per participant. Flevo Campus offers the program free of charge to students and young professionals, but we expect active participation from all participants in return. A condition is therefore that you are present at all program days.
- Deadline: registration is open until (and including) Monday 13 January.
Read more:
Recap Flevo Campus Think Tank 2019 (Dutch)
Recap Flevo Campus Summer School 2019 (Dutch)
Or see for youself what our programs look like!