Food and the city

The plate of tomorrow

Our food determines our well-being. Whether it’s public health, climate change, biodiversity, or social inclusion—food has an impact. That’s why Flevo Campus is committed to food innovation! Flevo Campus is a knowledge and action lab that connects science, education, entrepreneurship, and policy to develop solutions for complex (urban) food challenges.

Where to find us

Flevo Campus is located in the award-winning Natural Pavilion at Arboretum West in Almere. In 2022, the campus served as the entrance to the Floriade Expo, which has since been transformed into an urban park. On the campus grounds, Aeres University of Applied Sciences and Flevo Campus continue to work on improving our food system.


On Utopia Island, school gardens are tended by students from primary schools in Almere, while volunteers carry out all the necessary work at the urban farm. The harvest from the urban farm finds its way to Almere’s restaurants, Buitengewoon Almere, and the local food bank through Flevo Campus.


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