Flevo Campus Think Tank

Want to participate?
Are you motivated to use your talent and involvement for a better food future? Participants of the Think Tank are enthusiastic and ambitious young thinkers and doers who are happy to work for the benefit of society. Their initiative and commitment is indispensable for our goal in finding answers to urban food issues. Read all about the Think Tank 2022 below, or sign up directly.
Think Tank 2022
From the beginning of May until June a group of 10-15 participants will form this year’s Think Tank. The Think Tank consists of training days, an excursion, and co-working sessions at the Village.
Participants are divided into 4-5 groups, working together on sub themes around food culture, food innovation, healthy food environments or local food systems. Some of these projects have already started, but during the open preparation meeting we open the floor to new/other project ideas.
At the end of the Think Tank you and your team will have a concrete and tested solution for one of the research projects. We will mix participants from different disciplines and you will learn to utilize everyone’s talents in co-creating a project. Flevo Campus offers you the possibility to continue the project after the Think Tank. To top it all off, your project will be showcased during the Eurocities conference on June 23rd, 2022.
These are the dates on which you will come together:
- April 19 – Preparation session, 10:00-12:00 (not mandatory)
- May 10 – Introductions, 10:00-14:00
- May 17 – Into-the-field-day, 10:00-16:00
- May 24 – Method day, 10:00-14:00
- May 31 – Working session #1, 10:00-14:00
- June 7 – Working session #2, 10:00-14:00
- June 14 – Working session #3, 10:00-14:00
- June 23 – Eurocities Conference @ Floriade Expo 2022
*Times are subject to change. Please note all program days are Tuesdays and that it is mandatory to be present during all days. The conference takes place on a Thursday.
For whom?
The Think Tank is open for:
- Students or young professionals from different backgrounds and disciplines. (eg. Food Innovation, agriculture, product development, urban geography, history, social sciences etc.)
- Thinkers and doers
- People that are interested in personal and professional development.
- People that are willing to travel to and from Almere for the duration of the ThinkTank (you don’t have to be located in Almere or Flevoland).
Registration procedure
You can sign up for the Think Tank from March 15 until April 4 by filling in the registration form. By the 10th of April you will be informed about the definitive selection of participants for the Flevo Campus Think Tank 2022.
N.B. participation is free of charge. But we do ask for full commitment and active participation.
What to expect? A sneak peak
Day 0 – Preparation
Don’t have a subject or idea yet? Or want to propose your own project. Join us in the preparation meeting to dive into all the projects and cases Flevo Campus has to offer (not mandatory).
Day 1 – Introduction
During this first day, you will meet your co-participants. You will get to know each other via the introductions and will meet your project team. With your team, you’ll make a jump start on your research question. Besides that you will gain understanding about the process of the Flevo Campus Think Tank and what project you will be working on.
Day 2 – Excursion
Flevo Campus aims at finding new solutions for the future of food in urban areas. Not only does Flevo Campus contribute to innovation on the future of food and the city, it also wants to learn from what is already happening in that field. Therefore, during the second day of the program we will go on a field trip to discover several innovative solutions – either social, economical, technological or ecological.
Day 3 – Method day
With new insights and concrete questions it is time to get to work. This day is about acquiring a changemaker mindset and applying that to the Flevo Campus research questions to develop a concrete project.
Day 4 to 6 – Working sessions
During these working sessions, you will further co-create your project . As each project needs a specific approach, you will decide together on what needs to be done during each session. You will be provided with tools to ensure progress. Next to that, Dr. Harrison is there with you for questions concerning the research.
Final day – Conference